Effects of acute ‎Sodium Bicarbonate supplementation on anaerobic performance and lactate response of healthy trained men

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.Sc., Department of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Short term use Sodium Bicarbonate
(BS) on anaerobic performance and lactate response of healthy trained men.
Methodology: In a semi-experimental study, 10 healthy trained men after attending in the first session to measure anthropometry characteristics, rest lactate level and basic anaerobic performance, participated in one sessions of placebo (A solution containing 2% dextrose) and then one sessions of BS supplement (0.3 gr per kg of body weight. Placebo or BS was taken 60 minute before intervention sessions. blood samples were taken 1 hour before 1st session and 5 minutes after the 2nd and 3rd sessions. Average and maximal anaerobic performance were measured by rast test. At the end, data were analyzed by repeated measure test as well as the follow-up Bonfroni test, at a significance level of 0/05.
Results: Results showed that acute BS supplementation compared to placebo, significantly reduced lactate response to exercise (ϼ˂0/008) and increased average anaerobic power (ϼ˂0/006). nevertheless, acute BS supplementation compared to placebo, didn't have a significant effect on maximal anaerobic power (ϼ=0/32).
Conclusion: We find that acute SB supplementation can reduce lactate response to exercise and increase average anaerobic, but doesn’t seem to have a significant effect on maximal anaerobic power.
