The Effect of sports participation method with emphasis on development sport skills in children; the deliberate practice or deliberate play?

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Motor Behavior, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Shahab Danesh University. Qom, Iran


The aim of study was finding the most efficient training with emphasis on developing sport skills. The 120 boys 10-12 years grade 3th to 5th Qom city selected and randomly were divided into four groups of volleyball, soccer, basketball deliberate practice and deliberate play. All of the subjects received pre-test and post-test AAHPERD volleyball, soccer and Basketball sport skills test. They performed their training program for16 weeks and 3sessions per week and 90minutes each session. For data analysis, due to normality of the data, and MANOVA and Tukey post hoc test were used for intra-group and inter-group comparison. The results showed that compared four groups, deliberate play had improved volleyball, soccer and Basketball skills. volleyball and soccer deliberate practice can be improved soccer dribble skill and control dribble and defensive movement basketball skills. basketball deliberate practice did not improve the others soccer and volleyball skills. The results showed that deliberate play as deliberate exercise can cause the development of athletic skills by developing the general cognitive and physiological skills and providing a rich environment for children and partly replaced the deliberate practice.
