Determination of Psychometric Properties of Nutrition Attitude Questionnaire among Athletes' Adolescents

Document Type : Original Article


1 Mosa Bondak, Parisa Nahavandi, Nassermainejad Saeed Abdolmaleki, Saeed Monshadi

2 Master of Consultation, Physical Education, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch

3 Faculty member of Payam Noor University of Rey

4 Master degree in Psychology, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch


Introduction & Objective: Nutrition is considered as the most important factor in parallel with sports exercises for success and is the only factor that depends on the effectiveness of other factors. The purpose of this study was to determine the psychometric properties of attitude toward nutrition questionnaire among athlete's adolescents. .
Methodology: The research method is a type of applied research and is in the category of descriptive-exploratory research. The sample consisted of 285 male athletes in Karaj city who were selected by available sampling method. The research tool was a questionnaire for nutrition attitude of Connor et al. (1979).
Results: The findings showed that this instrument has a good reputation and the Cronbach's alpha rate is 0.89. reported. Three factors were also extracted for the questionnaire and the validity of the structure of the questionnaire was appropriate. The verification model was fitted out well and the soft tables of the questionnaire were presented.
Conclusion: It has been shown that this tool is suitable for assessing attitude to nutrition among athlete's teens
